Monday, January 30, 2017

Pilot Knob Ski Race

Come challenge yourself to ski the hills in beautiful Pilot Knob State Park.  This is a great preparation race for the American Birkiebeiner.  Enjoy eating lunch in the warming house afterwards.  Any profits from this race will go towards the costs of grooming the trails in the park.

February 4, 2017
both races start at 8:30 am

27 km freestyle race.
9 km freestyle race.
Lunch included for racers.
Awards to top 3 overall, male & female each race.
Racer's fee is $15.00.
Family and friends welcome to lunch also(free will donation).
Classic skiers are welcome to join the freestyle race also.  At least 90% of the course will be tracked.

Start & finish located at the warming house.
Register day of race only.  Please email, text or phone if you plan to attend so as to make sure there will be enough food.

Sponsor; and the Forest City nordic grooming crew.

Jeff Hovinga

Pilot Knob State Park
2148 340th St. Forest City, IA 50436

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Winter Fun Day

Yesterday the Friends of Winnebago County Conservation Foundation sponsored a Winter Fun Day at the Bear Creek Golf Course.  Wayne's Ski and Sport of Mason City was there with skis and snowshoes to try out.  Fun was had by all!

Max from Wayne's Ski and Sport helping a 3 year old girl ski for the first time!!

Pilot Knob

I rejuvenated the skate deck on the road through Pilot Knob this morning. The classic track looked ok for the  most part so that was left alone.  Nice to see so many ski tracks from yesterday!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Pilot Knob road

The road through Pilot Knob has been groomed this morning for both classic and skate style skiing.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Golf course

The golf course has been groomed for both classic and skate style skiing.

Tomorrow the 28th, Winnebago County Conservation Foundation is holding a Winter Fun Day on the golf course at the clubhouse.  Time is 10:00 AM to 11:30 am and is free.  Wayne's Ski and Sport from Mason City will have cross country ski and snowshoe equipment to try out. Snacks and warm drinks will be available.  It should be a great day to come out and enjoy winter!

Bear Creek Golf Course

Sunday, January 15, 2017

PIlot Knob

The road through Pilot Knob has had the skating lane rejuvenated again this morning.
The old classic tracks are still in fairly decent shape.  Hope you get a chance to enjoy it today.  The forecast this week does not look good for us.

Skating conditions were very good yesterday!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Rejunvenated Pilot Knob Road

The skating lane has been rejuvenated on the road through Pilot Knob this morning.  I made six passes to chew up the hard packed snow and ice, so the snowmobile was working hard!  It looks pretty good considering the conditions.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Pilot Knob road

The skating deck was rejuvenated this morning on the Pilot Knob road.  The classic tracks were left alone and are still in fair shape most of the way.  It should be a good place to ski once things warm up some!

Pilot Knob road 1/7/17

Saturday, January 7, 2017

PIlot Knob road

The skating deck on Pilot Knob road was rejuvenated this morning.  I left the old classic tracks alone because of the hard pack conditions.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Lodge & Majopa areas groomed

I had just enough time to groom the Lodge and Majopa properties tonight for skating.  I did put in a small classic track at the bottom of the hill.

The golf course is too thin and icy in spots to regroom that.  But the old classic tracks are still there, just a little hard and icy.

Majopa property